What is Root Canal Treatment?
- By The Cosmetic Clinic
- Dental
- Aug 20, 2020
Root canal treatment defined as the complete removal of the irreversibly damaged dental pulp.
Root canal treatment (also known as endodontic therapy, endodontic treatment, or root canal therapy) defined as the complete removal of the irreversibly damaged dental pulp followed by thorough cleaning, shaping and filling of the root canal system that the tooth may remain as a functional unit within the dental arch.
Root canal treatment (also known as endodontic therapy, endodontic treatment, or root canal therapy) is a treatment sequence for the infected pulp of a tooth which is intended to result in the elimination of infection and the protection of the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion. Here is presenting to you all things you need to know about What is Root Canal Treatment?
What is the procedure for a root canal?
To help all of you who are wondering What is Root Canal Treatment, here is the steps involved in this Dental procedure:
1. The dentist prepares the area to undergo root canal by numbing it.
2. The dentist then drills through the tooth to gain access into the root canals and the pulp chamber.
3. The canals are then shaped.
4. The canals are filled.
5. The access hole is filled.
6. The area which has undergone root canal treatment is then allowed to heal and the patient is put under antibiotics.
7. Finally, the crown is added.
How To Diagnose Yourself That You Need Root Canal Treatment?
Points to remember-
1. You may feel diffuse pain and unable to localize the tooth.
2. You may feel pain is spontaneous/ unplanned pain for a longer duration.
3. You may feel pain while lying down or during sleep (night pain).
4. Pain may be sharp, shooting and pains on chewing/ mastication.
5. Pain may increase on taking sweets, sour or anything hot.
6. Pain will be relieved on taking cold and aggravates on taking hot.
7. Visible black discoloration on tooth with cavity and food lodgment.
Benefits Of Root Canal Treatment:
Your tooth is an organ like any other body part. Long-time ignorance leads to loss of the tooth. In order to then ensure that your Dental Health is maintained well root canal treatment needs to be undertaken. Here is highlighting a few points explaining the Benefits Of Root Canal Treatment.
Root canal treatment followed by crown placement prolongs the functional integrity of your mouth along with the aesthetic profile of the face as the tooth has integral value in smile.
Pain free chewing increases your taste perception for different kinds of food and maintains the physiology of your digestive system.
Root canal treated tooth serves well in the arch for mastication or chewing if it is reinforced immediately with the crown.
Why You Need To Know About Root Canal Treatment?
If you are suffering from tooth pain for a long time then definitely it will affect your general well-being and functional efficiency.
Lingering pain for a longer time affects your day to day life along with speech difficulties.
You really need to differentiate between ear pain and tooth pain. So seek professional help when you first experience any tooth pain.
Below is the detailed pictorial presentation of Root canal treatment.
How Many Visits You Need To Take For A Root Canal Treatment?
In these modern eras microscopic technology is really helpful to complete the root canal treatment in a single visit.
After pandemic it is the responsibility of the doctor to minimize the patient treatment visit for betterment of patient and clinical staff. We use a microscope for every root canal treatment as it helps us to clean and shape the canal which is merely visible to the naked eyes.
Standard intracanal medicaments are used along with the copious irrigation with the help of ultrasonic removes all the debris along with the smear layer.
Our world class instrumentation and expertise enable us to complete root canal treatment in a single visit with a high success rate in more than 90% cases. Whole procedure takes up to 40-45 minutes for completion.
Though some cases are there which require more care than a regular case and it depends on the degree of infection a tooth caries. These cases sometimes require more than one appointment.
We assure you timely follow-up even after completion of your advised treatment for radiographic analysis at a timely interval up to the one year.
How long does a root canal take?
On an average a root canal treatment process takes about 30 to 60 minutes to complete. However, there may be complex cases that could take around 90 minutes to get done as well. In terms of appointments, it takes about one or two visits to the dentist to successfully get a root canal treatment.
How Long A Root Canal Treatment Last?
A well-prepared root canal with good biomechanical preparation with intracanal medicaments and copious irrigation followed by 3D obturations lasts for life. Every root canal should follow by crown placement. It’s mandatory to place the crown on an endodontically treated tooth because the crown reinforces the Root canal treated tooth against chewing/ masticatory forces.
After completion of Root canal treatment, a demo has been given to every patient for better home care. Brushing techniques and flossing play a pivotal role in post treatment care of the patient. It is advised to every patient to brush twice a day followed by gum massage and flossing. Gum health plays an integral part in oral health and patient’s active participation is mandatory.
Six-month follow-up is advised to every patient after Root canal treatment.
Is root canal treatment painful?
A root canal treatment may appear to be very painful, but with modern dental technology and use of local anesthesia to numb your tooth and gums by the dentist, you should experience little to no pain during the procedure.
Is Root Canal Treatment Good Or Bad?
Root canal treatment is a great option available for your decayed teeth. Studies have shown no significant side effects noted after proper Root canal treatment followed by Crown placement.
Why Root Canal Treatment Is Better Option Than Tooth Removal?
We are in the conservative world now. It’s always better to save than getting rid of it. Nothing can replace original in the truest sense. People are spreading myths about the Root canal treatment and used to conclude extraction despite there are thousands of ways available to save your precious organ (tooth).
Extraction of a tooth leads to permanent loss of underlying bone also it results in loss of facial fullness in the long term. Replacement of missing teeth is always costlier than saving the natural one.
Missing tooth space always suffers migration of the adjacent tooth in the vacant space. These migrations of teeth in the missing spaces give birth to occlusal problems or chewing difficulties.
Upper and lower teeth follow a harmonious occlusion in the form of cusp fossa relationship. These migrations of teeth disturb the harmony of the occlusal plan and result in temporomandibular joint diseases (TMJ diseases).
Tooth Extraction Or Removal Disadvantages?
Extraction of a tooth leads to permanent loss of underlying bone also it results in loss of facial fullness in the long term.
Replacement of missing teeth is always costlier than saving the natural one.
Missing tooth place always suffers loss of space by adjacent teeth because of physiologic migration and tends to tilt in adjacent missing space. It leads to imbalance in occlusion and chewing habits.
How much Does Root Canal Treatment Cost in Navi Mumbai?
The most important question that needs to be answered before you undergo the process of root canal is, How much Does Root Canal Treatment Cost in Navi Mumbai? The answer is that, Root canal treatment costs vary because your anterior teeth have a single root canal and posterior teeth have multiple root canal. It varies from 3 to 5 most commonly. Hence cost also differs. The Root Canal Treatment cost in Navi Mumbai*starts from Rs 2500/- or nearly $ 40.
Thank you for reading our What is Root Canal Treatment and the Benefits Of Root Canal Treatment. Also, read our recent article on What is a Hair Transplant and the benefits of Hair transplant treatment to know more about all the Dental and Cosmetic procedures provided by The Cosmetic Clinic.